Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bubblews Does Pay!

Hello everyone!

I received my first PayPal account deposit thirty two days after I hit the redemption button.

When I redeem I had a little over $50.00 PayPal charges a small fee for processing the deposit from bubblews or any other companies that you write or blog for.

I was very happy to receive my first payment from blogging on bubblews.

You read so many bad reviews about bubblews not paying it writer that you start wondering if any of it true, now I can tell everyone that it's false.

If you have been Leary about joining because of the reviews don't be, you will get paid. I have proof in my PayPal account.

Bubblews is a great place to blog my friends.

That all for now.

Peace out.

Written by....Flinnie.

Image credit: Google search for free image.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Now Have Over 1,000 Followers

Hi everyone welcome to my blog.

I just want you to know that I now have over 1,000 Followers. I don't think it does me much good because I never get more than about thirty views to each of my bubbles.

Not sure if how many followers has much to do with your views or not.

I also now have over 1,000 people that I am following. As I followers these people I get 1,000's of notice from them. I enjoy reading there post.

Peace Out

Written by....Flinnie

Image credit: +Google Image

Monday, September 8, 2014

How to get more likes!

Hi everyone

Have you found the secret to getting more like on Bubblews?

 I have learned that if you have lots of connections and you like there post they will also return the favor by liking your posts.

Most time as soon as you have published a new bubble your followers will flock to your post to like it. Now it is generally expected that you will also view and like your follower article too.

As I stated in another article this is a site where you don't get many visitors from outside of the site. Most of your views, likes and comments will come from the connections that you make.

I now have thirty  published bubbles. I have never posted the maxim bubble in one day, which is ten per day. I may post two or three per day.

My like, views and connections are growing.

Happy bubbles my friends.

Is Bubblews working for you?
Leave answer in comments.

Peace out

Written by....Flinnie

Image credit: Google image

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You Need To Make Connections

Hello Everyone

I have learned that if you want to get any wear on Bubblews, You need to make connections and plenty of them.

 At this moment I only have around 300. Most bubblers have over a 1,000 some as many as 50,000 or more. The only way to get visitors to your post is to have a lot of followers.

Bubblews as a site don't attract many visitors from outside, and the one that do show up land on the front page, and if your post is not there no one going to see it or visit it. Or if you get any visitors they come from your face book or twitter account so you have to have 1,000 of friends and a few might be interested in what you are bubbling about.

For the most part it's all about the connections that you have. It's really a...You scratches my back... I scratches your back.. kind of place. So if you don't have the followers and lots of them you will forever be behind always trying to catch up.

So learn from my mistake and make lot and lots of connections.

Have you joined Bubblews yet?
Leave answer in comments.

Peace Out


Image Credit: Google Image

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day Five On Bubblews

My Bubbling Story.
Hi everyone

 I have been posting on Bubblews for less than a week In that time I have found post from people that I know from squidoo. I was glad to find a few friendly faces there, I have read alot of there post.

 They seem to be happy there.I am hoping that this site will be my go to place to write, post and earn some money.

Lot of people post about getting there first payout or echecks. Some complain about how long it take to get that payout once they reach the $50.00 payout min.  What get me about payout is that some people reach it  very fast. Like in two week. I know you can make ten post a day and if all of your followers view, like, and read your post your bank will fill up pretty fast. I have seen people account with 3,000; 4,000; 5,000; 6,000 and up to 50,000 followers.

After five days I only have eight teen post. I need to buckle down and try to post ten post a day at least once or twice a week. As I said before the post don't have to be long at all. Some of the posters have been there since day one and have up to a 1,000 post. People post day and night, from all around the world.

I now have almost $5.00 in my bank, not sure if I will reach payout in 30 days. I seam to be moving at snail pase. But never the less I am having fun at Bubblews meeting new people every day.

Did you reach payout the first month on Bubblews?
Please leave answer in comments!

Peace Out,


Image Credit: Google Image

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Server Error

Bubbling ....I like it.
Warning Warning!

Bubblews has some sort of serious server error going on this morning. I tried to like a few posts today but the server error would not let me.

It is early morning and a lot of people from all around the world are up writing and posting, liking, and commenting.

I was able to read one bubbler article about the server error before I can hear to write this blog post. She said that it had her a little worried waking up to a server error.

Let's just hope that it is a minor glitch, and all will be fine soon. I would hate for the site to have some big problem.

Last night before bed I was able to post two articles. All was well with them. I also read a few of my fellow bubbles post. I was able to like and comment on them.

Have you come across a lot of glitch or error on Bubblews?
leave answer in comments

Peace Out


Image Credit: Google Image

You Will Get $1 Just For Signing Up

Bubbling Happy
Good News........ Good News

Hi my friends this is to let you know that Bubblews will  credited your account with a $1.00
sign up bonus.

Yes you read that right. To get your first payout you only have to earn the next $49.00.

They will pay you for every comment you make, for every like you give, for every page you view. Let's not forget about every social media share you make.

Can't you hear the money adding up? I sure can.

They give you the freedom to speak your mind and get paid for sharing your original content.

People you are going to enjoy writing on this site it lots of fun, free and so easy to express yourself. Did I mention that it free to join.

Happy bubbling my friends.

Have you been payed by Bubblews yet?
Please tell all, leave answer in comments

Peace Out.


Image Credit: Google Image